Don’t spin your wheels with more shiny tools, a fancy funnel, or a year-long plan. 

Get back-to-basics - ​get Content Kickoff Coaching!

Training + Coaching + Get It Done!

Find your content marketing mojo and set a solid, smart foundation for the new year. Want to see how the puzzle pieces fit together for YOU? Would like to blast through those last techie roadblocks? Ready to kickoff a new year of marketing and growing your business – with more confidence?

Fire up your marketing and business building in 2020 and become a content boss!

Join my Content Kickoff Coaching Group!

Hey smart solo pals! I know you’ve heard that you need content marketing to move your business and attract clients. I know you’ve heard that you need more content in your marketing.  I say we need better, smarter, consistent content- not more! AND you know that you need a community-  pssst, that’s primarily your email list-  of interested prospective customers, happy current, and loyal past customers. Folks who love what you share, your work, and results you bring them.

So why are you feeling ‘meh’ about your marketing? Still feeling blocked?

You worked hard in 2019 and maybe gave in to the ‘hustle more’ mindset. But your hard work left you feeling tired and still a bit stuck.

  • You feel stuck without the ‘right’ free gift, or how to create that gift and get it running.

  • Or you’re feeling paltry with a small (or no) list and unsure how to get the pieces working to grow.
  • Your email is more iffy than consistent.
  • Marketing tech still gives you fits and stumbles.
  • There’s more info and content online than anyone can consume in a lifetime, so why are we adding to it, you wonder.
  • Folks say you need a content and promo plan, but your brain went blank because you were just too busy.
  • Or you keep saying ‘I just don’t know where to start!’ and now you aren’t getting where you want to go.

Even good businesses get stuck.

But I’m not afraid to tell you where to start!  😁 

Let’s start simple and smart!

Let’s clear all those blocked, cluttered marketing thoughts away and start 2020 fresh and with a solid foundation. Better yet – I’ll show you and we will do the work together.

Content May Be King, But Consistency is What Counts

You don’t need ‘advanced’ marketing. You need to walk before you run a marathon.  You need a community to nurture more than you need splashy launches, more tech, or complex funnels. It really isn’t about the tools!

I know – funny thing for the techie tool gal to say – but I’m pretty tool agnostic. Use what fits you, your budget, and gets you going forward.

No more tech excuses! We will bust some tech blocks during this 6 weeks of coaching, and you’ll learn to use what you’ve got to create that consistency. Let’s set you up for ​success in talking to your community on a consistent basis for 2020!

Find Your Content Marketing Mojo ...

with Content Kickoff Coaching

Do you have ways to create content you’re happy to share and that brings you business?

If not, come spend 6 weeks together in a small group with me – training, coaching, collaborating, and co-working to create that content foundation and get your year kicked off right.

You’ll get 6 weeks of combined training + coaching, a specific core content project to work on (one of my suggestions or BYO!), and the space and time to work together with feedback and accountability to get it done!

This is hand’s on work together each week – no reading tons of emails, no long ebooks, no video tutorials to watch on your couch. We are DOING this work together! 

  • ​Back to Basics – Where are you, where you want to go, time to pick your project
  • Systems for Success – checklists, systems, shortcuts and creating the small, daily habits that build to consistent content and success
  • Simple Tech Solutions – finding what works for you in email, social sharing, and your website. Let’s make it all work together!
  • Communicating with Community – consistently get your message out there via social, email, and outreach
  • Connections and Consistency – planning, brainstorming more content
  • ​Money it Up! – We ARE in business so let’s make those offers in and with our content. Plus, how to keep the content machine going all year

You WILL Have Solid, Smart Core Content Pieces Done During This Coaching

If you don't have a solid free offer or need to refresh your opt-in offer - let's get it done!

If you aren't sure how to connect all the pieces of your email opt-in, downloads, and welcome emails - let's get it done!

If you need help with a sales or offer page, connecting to take payments or your calendar tools - let's get it done!

If you don't know what to say on your blog or in your emails this winter - let's get it done!

What's Included In Content Kickoff Coaching

​Starts January 6th and goes through week of February 10th 

Weekly live meetings (1hr via Zoom) – training, coaching, going over our homework

Wednesday meetings at 1pm ET

Worksheets and checklists – content creation shortcuts you can put right to work, not let gather digital dust on your hard drive

​BONUS: Optional weekly co-working (1hr via Zoom) – come work together virtually on our projects, ask for feedback, have some easy camaraderie and accountability.  Thursdays or Fridays

BONUS: Online private group for asking questions, sharing project process, venting, or accountability check-ins

About Jennifer

Jennifer Burke of Mighty Marketing Mojo photo from Chorus Photography

​Jennifer Burke

​Marketing Teacher

​I'm Jennifer Burke, a fellow solopreneur,​ a coach, and a marketing geek. Take advantage of my years as a marketing exec, researcher, and now teacher.
I keep up on all the trends and tools so you don't have to. Marketing doesn't have to be hard or stressful. ​I help you find your ​own marketing mojo!

​By the End of Coaching You Could Have

  • ​​A brand new, attention-grabbing free offer to start building your list
  • ​Or a revamped, fresh free offer to replace the one that feels ‘meh’ right now. Or add in second free gift to help you target new folks for your community (i.e. content upgrades).
  • ​A plan for consistently, easily repurposing the content you already have and will create during this program – make IT work harder, not you.
  • ​Enough content ideas for the rest of winter and into spring! And the excitement, energy and vision to make it all happen.
  • ​An email series to welcome and nurture your community, and a plan for consistently keeping in touch.
  • ​​And more confidence to more easily create your own consistent, client-attracting content marketing.

​Join Me to Kickoff Your New Year ​of Marketing 

​Content Kickoff Coaching is a one-time price of just $197.

​Val Selby

​Empowerment Coach at

Jennifer's marketing challenge made me be more intentional with my marketing efforts. during the month I made it a point to promote my email opt-in whenever I was scheduling my social media posts.

​Tara Alexandra

Business Coach at

​​I've found ​Jennifer to be very knowledgeable about business -- and especially marketing and tech topics. ​If anyone asks a question, they can be confident she'll deliver the best information completely and accurately. If I could pick just a few words to describe Jennifer, they would be intelligent, articulate, engaging and a connector!

​Who Would I Love to Have Join Me To Kickoff Improved Content in 2020?

​I love working with passionate, engaged solopreneurs who are building their businesses, especially those transitioning to an online business model or moving away from all 'dollars for hours' model. Tech give you stumbles? You're my folks as I love to turn stumbles in to new leaps of confidence. Who else are my peeps?

  • Smart solopreneurs who want to work smarter not harder
  • Solopreneurs who have a website with a blog – but need a kick in consistently creating content that brings folks to their home base
  • Solos with life and business experience but who shy from calling themselves ‘techie’ – it’s ok, you don’t have to be because you’ve got me!
  • Savvy solopreneurs who have some social media presence but want social content that builds community as well as their business
  • Solos who have a good idea who their ideal customers or clients are – and need to get those folks in to their community and be talking with them consistently
  • Solopreneurs who are ready to up their content marketing game for 2020 and see more success!

If you're my kind of solo pal, click the link and join me for this special hands-on training + coaching + getting it done group to kickoff 2020. In the new year, let your marketing work smarter, not harder.

*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Join before the beginning of 2020 so your marketing doesn't miss out!

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