Want to Build Your List
But Don't Have an Opt-in Gift?

If You Want to Start Growing Your Email List, Then You Need to Get Your Free Gift DONE!

There are people out there who need your experience and expertise.
They need your emails.
But they won’t get them if they aren’t on your list because you got stuck on creating your free gift.
That's where lots of smart, busy, awesome but stressed solopreneurs get stuck.
I don’t want your ideas to sit in notebooks, Post-Its or on your hard drive.
It can be hard to find time to go through the steps and create a simple gift that can attract the right-for-you people to your list.
So I created a short training to help you take fast action to get your gift done and out there!

You've heard you need to get visible to get clients or customers. You've heard about building an email list.


I bet you've read blog posts, dozens of emails, or seen videos about lead magnets, opt-ins and list-building.

You know that if you wanna build that email list you need something to give away to attract people to your email list. 

I bet that you also know that people need to get to know, like, and trust you before they're ready to buy what you offer. So you'll nurture them with emails and send offers you know can help them. Cool.

But for all the business-boosting to happen, you need a way to get them on your list. Your gift.

Confused about what to say in your gift? What format? How long is it supposed to be? Do you need fancy, expensive software to create a gift? How do all these pieces connect together?

Let Me Show You How- It CAN Be Easy! 

Create Your Easy Email Gift

Mighty Easy Email Gifts

Self-Study Training
Get the how-to and see the demos in action in this two-part training

In the training we will:

  • Plan who your gift is for
  • Work through the outcomes your ideal customer needs from you (and how your gift meets those needs)
  • Discover a format that's easy for you to create
  • Outline your gift
  • Use content you already have - including PLR/licensed/DFY content
  • Learn ways to make money from your gift for evergreen biz-building success

No jargon, no fluff, no super-techie bits. You CAN do this and it doesn't have to take forever! 

Start Building Your List Today With Your Easy Email Gift

Just  $55

Self-study training with recordings, resources

If you have found Jennifer + Mighty Marketing Mojo through Lynn's Boost Your Business Bundle - welcome!
You can use coupon code BOOST on the order form to claim your special access to the training.


Jennifer Burke Mighty Marketing Mojo Headshot Outside Atlanta

I'm Jennifer Burke and I love learning, checking out new things, and "research" is practically my middle name! I'm a proud marketing geek. I dig into the techie bits that many biz owners hate. I believe in busting myths around marketing, calling out B.S. if I see it, and sharing what's exciting and amazing too. I love teaching small biz owners to find their own marketing mojo and confidently promote their businesses. 

I bootstrapped and learned things the hard way nearly 10 years ago when I first started my online biz career. Sure I was geeky and bit extra techie, I was eager to learn, but I also paid extra for expensive tools because some guru or ‘expert’ said it was what everyone used. And like a lot of starting biz owners, I felt the siren call of 'free' and tried to make do with as many free tools as possible. I also made some spending decisions I regretted. I spun my wheels and stayed small.

I went to tons of webinars, lots of trial-n-error, more self-teaching, and I stayed too long with some tools that made it harder not easier. But it was when I reached out for help that things started to click.

I went back to my research roots. I learned to stay away from most of the shiny new software! I started asking smarter questions about my own tech choices - and I learned to guide my clients to do the same. 

Now, I avoid distractions and have a repeatable system for asking questions and evaluating options. My clients know that I make marketing simpler, get them past tech hurdles, and we do it together. 

Jennifer is my Go-To Marketing Tech Geek

Jennifer is definitely the "go to" marketing geek whom you can be assured will offer lots of great ideas and techniques to help you build your business, especially when you get "stuck". I had the pleasure of also working with Jennifer one on one and her teaching style is top notch.

Lynn Leusch
Crafter, Teacher

Jennifer Makes the Tech Easier to Understand

As I'm building my online presence, I'm doing some tech learning in my business and Jennifer is a really good person to talk about the tech with. She makes it easier to understand.

Get Over the Tech Troubles Mountain

Jennifer is beyond amazing at helping people climb their tech learning curves. I'm giving her full credit for my confidence to build my recent landing page!

Lane Therrell
RN/MSN, Health Coach

I'm Jennifer Burke, a fellow solopreneur and bit of a marketing geek. Take advantage of my years as a marketing exec, researcher, and now teacher/trainer. I keep up on all the trends and tools so you don't have to. Let's get your marketing mojo on!

Jennifer Burke, Mighty Marketing Mojo

Jennifer Burke of Mighty Marketing Mojo photo from Chorus Photography