Mighty Marketing Mojo logo in white

Ready, Set, Create!
30-Days to
Fearless Content Marketing 

Coaches, digital product designers, course creators - 
I have your ticket to content confidence in a 30-day
Choose-Your-Own Adventure style challenge! 

Curious about how to turn content creation from a chore into a celebration - in 1 month?

Would you like to say goodbye to blank pages, sitting at your computer wondering what to write or post - just hoping that it makes a difference in your business?  And to say "Hello!" to bold and mighty ideas? 

You have something special to offer, whether it's a service, digital product, book, or impactful course.

You KNOW Content Marketing is the way for you to be seen, for your message and offer to reach people.

BUT UGHHH .... 😕

Maybe you started a website and claimed some social media profiles - then hit a few walls. You don't feel you're reaching enough of your right-for-you people.

Maybe you've stared at a blank blog post for hours, or felt overwhelmed by the endless scroll of social media trends. Video editing makes you break out in a cold sweat. Emails feel like a black hole most days.

Between juggling clients, your family, self-care and the details of your business -  finding time, energy and inspiration for engaging, business-boosting content feels nearly impossible. 

Yes, there's always something else you can do to reach more of the right people. AND ... it's so worth it.

Know this -- you ARE worth hearing from
and you are NOT alone out here in the online biz + marketing world.

I've literally been there, done that, felt it all.

But I know that we CAN do this. Don't give up!

There are steps we can take, things we can do more of to reach those right-for-us people. It is soooo worth it when the right clients, customers and students hear us, see us, are inspired by us. 

Yes, we CAN find our own Marketing Mojo ...
and I've got the thing to help you regain content confidence!  

Hey there amazing biz pal - I’m Jennifer, a marketing geek, and a 30-day challenge changed my business.

No, it created my business!

Those challenges I participated in had me so motivated, so energized, and taking so much difference-making action that challenges became a core part of my life and business.

I found my mojo through a challenge, and now I want to help you find and fire up YOUR mojo. 

After years as a team leader, and as a participant, in a popular content creation challenge - I've taken the mighty leap to bring you my version for an inspired, fired-up 30 days of action with you! 

Now it's time for you to join me and fire up your marketing mojo!

The Mighty
Content Marketing Challenge!

A 30-day, choose-your-own-adventure style guided path to finding and reigniting your content confidence - that spark that is YOUR unique Marketing Mojo. And you won't be on the path alone!  

Taking Inspired, Imperfect Action IS Mojo.

I bet you've attended webinars, taken courses and know quite a few things. I may have nearly 30 years of experience (and way too many of those years spent in learning mode) and love teaching others, but I also know we just gotta DO the things. Less procrasti-learning, more practical action-taking. That's at the core of Mighty Marketing Mojo and offers like this challenge! 

For years, my coach Kelly's month-long challenge was the way I pushed myself to make sure I ‘walked my talk’ on content marketing.  I saw how a supportive, engaging event empowered people so they felt less intimidated as they created content they were mighty proud of.  So many solopreneurs found community and success.

Now it’s my turn to LEAD that walk and bring you with me on the path. 

Ready to Fire Up Your Mojo?🔥

Experience a new level
 of confidence and creativity?

Then let's go! Join for just $97

Imagine waking up each day feeling excited to work on your business, confident and in control of the content you create. See yourself sitting down with a steaming mug of your favorite beverage, firing up your computer, and effortlessly creating content that resonates with your ideal people.

When you express your message clearly, powerfully, authentically - you attract the people you've been looking for. You BECOME who they have been looking for. 

You find and lean into your own Marketing Mojo - the special sauce that is YOU.

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could confidently publish that kind of content regularly? Knowing what to create and how to do it. Getting past the intimidation that has kept you waiting behind your keyboard.

Now imagine having a supportive community of like-minded creators who GET you and are ready to celebrate every step and every win. Together you'll build each other up, share inspiring ideas, and hold each other accountable to take action.

You're here because you're ready to claim that content confidence and spend a month in some serious action-taking momentum.  You're ready to light up your mojo!

You are perfect for the Mighty Content Marketing Challenge
and I can't wait for you to register and join me! 

Participating in several 30-day content marketing challenges has been a game-changer for me. It provides a sense of community, collaboration, and accountability.

Content creation and marketing can often feel lonely, and challenges like this help bring back the joy of creating and connecting. Meeting new people, swapping ideas, and collaborating on projects that nudge me out of my comfort zone are just a few of the perks of challenges like this. The accountability keeps me going, even when motivation feels out of reach.

If you’re just starting out with a content marketing challenge, don’t hesitate to dive in—the community you find is one of the best parts. It’s a comforting reminder that we’re all in this content marketing journey together.

Erica GrantCoach

Challenges Designed to Help You Turn Inspiration Into Action

Jennifer - What Are the Challenges?! 

This edition of the Mighty Content Marketing Challenge is comprised of 10 mini-challenges --beautifully, purposefully outlined step-by-step marketing projects to help you be discovered and seen by your ideal audience, to educate and build a relationship with prospective customers, and to create mighty, impactful offers that nurture your people and help them take their own mighty steps forward.

I've compiled a selection of projects to help you 
in all three core areas of the Content Marketing Cycle:

The Awareness-Discovery Phase

The Educational-Nurture Phase 

And of course the Delighted - Conversion Phase

You may have heard people talk about funnels and top/middle/bottom levels of content --- I prefer to think in circles, cycles, and a more holistic view of how people come in to our communities and business sphere.

During October and the Mighty Content Marketing Challenge you get to CHOOSE which projects to make your focus and take action on - based on what YOUR business needs firing up right now.  

Don't worry, you're not expected to do all of the projects all at once!

The 2024 Mighty Content Marketing Challenge Options Include:

Awareness-Discovery Options:

Challenge #1 Mighty Blog Content - one of the best places to start, by creating mighty content on your home base - your website!  Show your expertise and share your unique perspectives through evergreen content that helps build awareness of your business and starts a new relationship. Create (1) from among key types of posts: 

  • Collaborative creation on a hot topic
  • Your origin or before/after super story post
  • Core or pillar piece of content on a ‘how-to’ or ‘now do X’ topic in your niche
  • Classic round-up or list style post

Challenge #2  Mighty Up Your Social Profiles - take time to refresh and optimize your social media profiles to ensure you’re putting your best face (literally!) forward and attracting the ‘right-for-you’ people while you use social media marketing.

Challenge #3 Create + Share 9 Vertical Videos -  sometimes you just need to lean in to the marketing trends that are working right now - the algorithms on all the top platforms LOVE short, vertical videos (i.e. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube Shorts).  So do your ideal people! These videos are also more likely to be shown to people who don’t already know you - making them ideal for getting discovered. 
Learn how to lean into this fun format even if you feel camera shy and no need for dancing or chasing every hot trend. [Psst I know a thing or 2 on this - I’ve run multiple 5-day challenges all about HOW to create short form videos. 😉 ]

Challenge #4  5-Day Free Challenge - you know I love a challenge, right?! Here’s a mighty way to start small and make a big impact on your ideal people. A 5 Day challenge is a great opportunity to build your community, nurture it, and get your business growing. Learn how to design a challenge people want to participate in, easy ways to run it, and what comes next.

Educational - Nurturing Options

Challenge #5 Host an AMA (Ask Me Anything) Series - When we are in community with our people we can’t help but create mighty content! Take advantage of opportunities to engage with your ideal audience - and answering questions is content gold. An AMA (Ask Me Anything) is a fun, interactive way to learn tons about what your ideal people need.

Challenge #6 Lean Into Video  - Video marketing is a powerful tool that just keeps growing. It’s time for you to lean into creating and using video to be discovered and to nurture relationships with your ideal audience.  Start or Refresh a YouTube channel with strong branding and your intro-to-you video. Then create and publishing at least (2) more videos: a how-to/explainer video, a review/comparison video, a short interview, FAQ video, or a talking-head style video.

I’ve been teaching on this topic for a decade and was once kinda camera shy myself - so I’ll be right there to guide you step-by-step and keep it simple. It’s never been easier to create videos than it is today.

Challenge #7 Kick Off a Mighty Email Habit -  email marketing is still one of the most valuable marketing tools we have, so let’s kick off that habit right and mighty. Start the relationship on the right foot with a well-crafted Welcome Series and then keep the relationship going by sending out regular emails. You'll create that intro series with what people need to know about you and what you offer, plus encourage them to take action right away. Then you’ll plan, write and send (4) emails during the month, from a mix of nurturing, engaging, click-worthy options.

Delight - Converting Options

Challenge #8  Gather + Share Testimonials - people buy from people they know, like and trust. One way to gain trust, by knowing that other people like us have already purchased and had success. Your business needs testimonials to share on your website, in emails, on social media. I’ll guide on easy, stress-free ways to gather and share them.

Challenge #9 Mighty Awesome Low-Cost Offer  - we want to make it easy - and fast- for your ideal person to say "Yes I want this!" and become a customer. Often the best time to get a ‘heck yeah!’ and win-over a new customer is with a mighty low-cost offer right after they take the step to join our universe.  Create a simple, focused and super useful new low-cost offer for your ideal people.  T

Challenge #10 Workshop or Group Coaching -  Right-for-you people who've been in your universe a while know, like and trust you. After consuming your video, posts, and emails, they're often seeking that next step with you. In this project, you'll create a fired up solution for them.  Through the month of the challenge I’ll guide you to brainstorm, outline, and craft a paid masterclass, workshop or short group coaching program - AND get a simple but mighty sales page built and ready to share.

Whether you need that very first content push or want to take a leap beyond the basics, these challenges invite you to stretch out of your comfort zone and transform your business.

Choose the content marketing projects that will take you where you want to go next!

Jennifer has been an invaluable part of my business journey. Her expertise in organizing content and addressing tech issues has saved me countless hours of frustration. More importantly, Jennifer has kept me focused and on track with the tasks and projects that matter most. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me navigate the complexities of running an online business.

I've also participated in 30-day challenges with Jennifer, and those have truly transformed my work.  Thanks to these challenges, I've been able to host and produce The Stepfamily Summit for the 5th time in a row, an accomplishment I couldn't have imagined without her support and the support of the group.

Without Jennifer and the dynamic group she leads, I know my business would not be where it is today. I'm incredibly grateful for her guidance, inspiration, and the community she's built.

Claudette ChenevertThe Stepmom Coach + Host of The StepFamily Summit

Mighty Content Marketing Challenge

Step-by-step content projects guide

2x per week group coaching calls

Daily Mojo Minutes inspirational check-ins

Community accountability and support

Incentives and prizes to reward action-taking

Mockup of computer PDF Zoom call for Mighty Content Marketing Challenge

What's Inside the 30-day Mighty Content Marketing Challenge - 
We Kick Off on Oct 1st! 

  • Group Coaching Calls-   2x/week during October all challenge participants invited for group coaching around content marketing, diving into project specifics, asking questions. All calls recorded and replay watchers are welcome!  
  • Live calls Tuesdays & Thursdays at 12pm ET.   Kickoff call Tues Oct 1, Last Group Call Thur Oct 31, Celebration Call Fri Nov 1
  • The Mighty Content Guide - guide, workbook, Content Marketing 101 all rolled together! Your step-by-step guide to all the mini, biz-boosting content projects. Follow in October and months to come!  
  • Mojo Minutes - Daily, short (<20 min) calls for inspiration and get the content mojo flowing. All calls recorded to watch/rewatch as you need them.  Mojo Minutes at 10am ET weekdays
  • Co-Working Sessions -  block off time to quietly work together on content projects (Schedule TBA)
  • Online Community -  part of the magic of this challenge is doing it with other like-minded creators! Everyone supporting, collaborating, and cheering each other on. You may meet your new biz bestie here. 
    [**Note: For ease this fall, we will be using my Mighty Marketing Mojo Facebook Group for community sharing and support. **]
  • Rewards + Prizes - Yep, I said Prizes!  There is a Finisher Prize available for all who meet the Finisher Requirements - and I honestly want everyone to be a Finisher!!  Plus there will be opportunities to earn Bonus Points, and levels of extra incentives to keep taking action all month-long.  


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GRAB THE EARLY BIRD BONUS - Join by Sept. 20 to save $30! 

Mighty Content Marketing Challenge

The Most Inspired Action-Taking Month of Your Year! 

  • PDF Copy of the 2024 Mighty Content Challenge Guide
  • 2x/wk Group Content Coaching Calls (+recordings)
  • Daily (weekdays) Mojo Minutes calls - extra motivation to get the day going (Zoom + recordings avail; live attendance optional)
  • Co-Working Sessions (optional, schedule TBA)
  • Online Community for sharing, collaboration + accountability (Facebook)
  • Opportunity to win Finisher Prize + Qualify for Special Mighty Achievement Incentives
  • Mighty Action-Taking + Results to be proud of for months to come!

Why is the 30-day Mighty Content Marketing Challenge ideal for busy content-creating solopreneurs like you? 

  • Flexible: Choose the mini projects that align with your business goals and available time. 
  • Efficient: Some projects are short, some take a little more time - all can be done in the 30-days of the challenge. Plus short, focused bursts of activity can lead to BIG results. 
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert coaching and support every step of the way. 
  • Clear Direction: The challenge guide plus the coaching calls help you overcome overwhelm with step-by-step guidance, suitable for all niches and business experience levels. 
  • Group Accountability + Support: the challenge structure plus the community of like-minded creators keeps you on task, supported, and motivated. 
  • Results-Oriented: See tangible improvements in your content and business. There's no posting just to post around here! 
  • Engaging, Fun, Rewarding! Collaborating, sharing, and encouraging each other leads to more confidence and success. Plus, did I mention there are rewards and prizes?!

Time to Trust an Expert!

Take it from someone who has participated in a month-long challenge 10 times and hosted multiple other challenges for solopreneurs - this format is a powerful formula for content creation success.
Add in collaboration and community support, and dare I say - it's some Mighty Marketing Mojo?! 😉


Jennifer Burke Mighty Marketing Mojo Headshot Outside Atlanta

I'm Jennifer Burke I'm a proud marketing geek. I believe in busting myths around marketing, calling out B.S. if I see it, and sharing what's exciting and amazing too. I love teaching small biz owners to find their own marketing mojo and confidently promote their businesses. 

I bootstrapped and learned things the hard way more than 10 years ago when I first started my online biz career. I came from a background as an advertising/marketing executive, but also time in retail, then academia and teaching. I'm a bit extra geeky and techie but I've also made a lot of the same 'mistakes' and learning lessons as most solopreneurs and online business owners. Now I want to help other solopreneurs, authors, coaches, and course creators avoid the same pitfalls.

I’ve been there, done it, tried it, stared at the screen, procrastinated, batched a ton when strategy met inspiration, and also burnt out and started it all over again. Learning and improving all the time with all kinds of content - videos, blogging, social media, and email. 

Almost 10 years ago, back before the Mighty Marketing Mojo side of my business even existed, I found a content coach who had a great energy and style. I joined one of Kelly McCausey’s challenges and it fired me up and changed everything in my business. Seriously! Mighty Marketing Mojo and the first workshops I offered through it came after the 2018 challenge.

Something about the format, the step-by-step guide, incentives/prizes, coaching calls with other solopreneurs, all of us working to make sense of all this online stuff - it all just clicked for me. Spending a dedicated month completing mini projects that made a real impact in my business - that really fired me up. I'd plan my year around it and wanted all my biz pals to join me, especially the 4 years I was leader of Team Mighty.

Life and business have changed and evolved for lots of folks - including Kelly and me.  

Now it's my turn to fire up and run a 30-day content creation challenge with my own spin, flavor and mojo.

I'm ready to take all I've learned in nearly 30 years of marketing, business, customer experience and education to lead you and a community of solopreneurs  to finding your voice, your content confidence - your own mojo.

It's time to invite you to the Mighty Content Marketing Challenge - 1st edition. 

What Some Mighty Business Owners Have Said
About Jennifer + Challenges

Conni Has New Skills + Outlook from Challenges

I have learned so much through content creation challenges - from the first one where I knew almost nothing, to the last where I had learned enough to ask specific questions to fill in my knowledge gaps and even to help those just starting out. It's inspiring to be surrounded by a group of people at all levels who help each other and root each other on!

I've developed a whole new outlook, toolbox of skills, and group of people I can reach out to for help and support through the challenges I've participated in.

I got to know Jennifer through content creation challenges in the past. She's smart, funny, generous with her knowledge, and a great resource for content creation and marketing tech. I can't wait to be a part of her upcoming challenge!

Conni LeFon

Life Purpose Coach

Val Nails Bold Challenges

I committed fully to doing a 30-day content challenge And I NAILED it.

The motivation I got from that 30 day group coaching challenge led me to continue to stretch out of my comfort zone. I didn’t stop with the challenges I completed that month. Each new challenge I completed, and saw results from, pushed me to grab another one and see how I could get the butterflies again by stepping across that line in the sand my mind had set about what I could accomplish.

The results of your efforts will be amazing, but you won’t know unless you try.

Val Selby

Coach-Creator-Bundle Genius

Terre Says Challenges Are a Game-Changer

I participated with Jennifer in the past two Stretch Yourself Content Marketing Challenges and they were a game changer for me.

The experience helped me look at my business in a whole new way. The challenge deadlines helped me stay focused. The prize incentive helped motivate me. The friendly competition increased the fun. And the icing on the cake was the chance to meet and collaborate with some wonderful creative women that I may never have met otherwise.

Challenges like this truly helped me identify what I want and (equally important) what I don't want in my business. And, for the first time I felt like I am truly building a business of value and that I deserve all the good things that are coming my way!

Looking forward to this year's challenge led by Jennifer!

Terre Krotzer

Roz Rocks Email Now

I have been procrastinating on email marketing because, while I know it is important, I made it so important I was afraid I would get it wrong so I never actually did it with any consistency.

Working with Jennifer helped develop the skills I need for my emails to not only be effective but fun!

Rozlyn Warren

Coach, Energy Alignment Strategist

Got a Question? I've Got Some Answers!

Is this the same as the Stretch Yourseslf Challenge?

No, not exactly. Kelly McCausey hosted the SYC 15 times as a content challenge but retired that project in spring 2024 as she pivoted her business to focus on mindset and personal development coaching. She will likely create a whole new style of SYC in the future. Meanwhile I have her A-OK and enthusiastic permission to run a 30-day content challenge under my own brand with my own unique mojo. 💙

Is this only for experienced creators or biz owners?

Not at all! While I had a marketing background, I wasn't 'experienced' in the online business world when I first got into content marketing and participated in my first 30-day challenge. I've seen many newer creators learn, grow in confidence, and see success as a result of participating in an event like this. In fact joining the Mighty Content Marketing Challenge in October could be the kickstart a newer creator needs to really fire up! 

Do I need to do ALL the projects?

Gosh no! That would be mighty silly! I want you to sleep, read, and spend time with family this month too. 

To earn an official Mighty Finisher prize, you’ll complete at least ONE challenge project and make the most of it, plus complete a few other requirements. 

You get to choose which challenge project will most move the needle for your business this month and heading towards 2025. I've organized the content projects by the stages of the customer journey and content cycle - so you may decide to choose one in each category, or go all in with just one category. 

If you have the time and energy feel free to complete other projects - you may earn extra incentives - as well as seeing great momentum and confidence. 😉

Do I need a website?

Honestly, yeah. There are challenges that are social media focused that you can do without a website. But we all know (or should) that social media changes soooo much and you don’t want to build a business on rented space! So get a website - it doesn’t have to be fancy!

My schedule is tight or I'm in a different time zone -- can I still do this?

One of the beautiful things of a choose-your-own adventure style of program is you have tons of flexibility. Many of the challenge projects are content you may already be creating or thinking of - you just get to do it with extra guidance and cheerleading this month. Plus try some new things.

You do need to set aside a few hours each week to attend sessions or to watch replays, engage with others in our community space, and work on your chosen content activities. But you can do most of that on your own time.

I don’t penalize anyone if you can't make a call because of time zone differences, work, family or life! Replay watchers are awesome. If you can make do the work, you are going to make it mighty and find your mojo! 

What's this about points + prizes?

I love gamification and extra incentives! Many of my biz pals do too - you’d be surprised all they get done just for a mug, journal, stickers or brownies!


During the month you can earn points for showing up to coaching calls or watching the replays, sharing your progress and cheering on others in our group space, completing challenges, and tackling extra credit opportunities that spring up during the month. I'll give you a handy Google Sheet to track points.

Every Challenge Finisher who earns at least 50 points (and that includes completing at least one challenge project) gets to choose from among 3 cool prize options. If you choose to keep taking on content projects, there are a few more prize tiers with additional incentives like books, cool video tools, coaching calls, and other business-boosting prizes. Some folks get a little competitive with themselves and like the extra rewards. 😉

I heard something about teams?

As much as I love the extra fun and cheerleading that comes from putting participants into teams (and I was a team leader 4 times in past challenges), I decided on just one big group for this first Mighty edition. No teams. 

I’ve trying to keep to the “What If It Were Easy?” mantra! There will be some Mighty Pals in the challenge sure to help in cheerleading and encouraging participants with me. Watch for the return of teams in future Mighty Content Challenges.

I'm Jennifer Burke, a fellow solopreneur and bit of a marketing geek. Take advantage of my years as a marketing exec, researcher, and now teacher/trainer. I keep up on all the trends and tools so you don't have to. Let's get your marketing mojo on!

Jennifer Burke, Mighty Marketing Mojo
