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Are Constant, Pesky Tech + Content Issues 
Blocking Your Business Growth
+ Client Flow?

The Content + Marketing Pieces We Need
for Creating Income in Our Online Business
 Only Do the Job if We Can Get the Pieces to Work Together!


What if you had a safe space where there are no silly questions about how to connect the pieces of your online business?

You're a coach for parents, authors, wellness, or other business owners. Or you're a consultant, service provider working one-on-one to help clients.

You want to create courses, community, and make an impact. You have so many big, wonderful ideas you want to make happen.

 You have knowledge, skills and expertise that others want and need. You KNOW you have some fantastic offers to share and are <this> close to changing lives and businesses.

But there's this little gap that gets in the way and causes headaches. 
The very technology we need to run an online biz.
And HOW to use the tech + create the content every says we need.

  • If you don't fix the basics in a way that works for your business -- you don't get to have transformational calls with clients who need you.
  • If your website and email aren't talking -- you can't efficiently run your mindset mastermind.
  • If you don't have that course platform set up -- it's a lot harder for you to teach and impact others with your hard-earned expertise.
  • If you're just throwing content against the wall web and hoping -- you won't get seen by the right-for-you-people who need your services, books, coaching and courses. AND you'll burn out fast.

I hear you saying "But I'm not technical!" or that "tech gets me so frustrated" and I do get it! I'm here to walk you through it.

AND to tell you it's not, ever, JUST about the tech. 😉

You CAN do this as you build the business you want and make marketing easier.
"Marketing" is not a bad word!

You've bought a bunch of courses.

You've purchased software .... ummm ... maybe too much of it?

You have resources, tools, and the experience already.

You just need some support and extra how-to's. 

You need someone to answer questions and help you get techie stuff DONE. 

Hi! Tech Therapy Hangout and I are here to help you do just that!

It's time you conquer your tech troubles and create content you're excited to share, because you don't need any more roadblocks stopping you from making an impact in the world. 

Woman business owner frustrated with computer and woman happy to be working at computer Tech Therapy Hangout Helps

What You Need Help With ...

  • The tech running your website - WordPress, plugins, finding themes, building with ThriveSuite (Thrive Architect, Thrive Leads, Thrive Apprentice, etc)
  • How do people pay you - Pay Pal, Stripe, do you need a shopping cart and choosing which one (aMember? ThriveCart? etc)
  • Starting and building an email list - which email software, connecting it to your website, creating a free gift, landing pages, automations, welcome emails, what to email and when
  • What's a realistic content plan that avoids burnout? And what do I say?
  • Affiliate programs - do you need one, options, setting up ThriveCart, reviewing other options, needing swipes, etc.
  • Is my home page talking to my ideal client? What would make it better? 
  • Can I just use the free version of X? - why 'you get what you pay for' applies, how to know when and where to spend on tech 
  • Just some of what we've covered in past TT Hangout calls, discussions and mini trainings. 

And how the heck does all this stuff talk to each other and just work?! 


Jennifer Has a Magic Touch with Tech

Jennifer has a magic touch with tech, especially email marketing, automations, setting up lead pages and opt-ins. Tech Therapy have expedited my learning with email marketing, opt-in pages, website set up, membership sites and affiliate marketing. I also love that Jennifer keeps up to date on the newest tech tools and whether or not we should consider investing in a given tool or piece of tech. I value her opinion immensely.

Who Is Jennifer?
Hi, I'm Your Marketing Therapist!

Jennifer Burke Mighty Marketing Mojo Headshot Outside Atlanta

I'm Jennifer Burke and I love learning, checking out new things, and "research" is practically my middle name! I'm a proud marketing geek. I dig into the techie bits that many biz owners hate. I believe in busting myths around marketing, calling out B.S. if I see it, and sharing what's exciting and amazing too. I love teaching small biz owners to find their own marketing mojo and confidently promote their businesses. 

I lean totally in to Marketing Geekdom. We can talk this out and find solutions that fit you, your biz, your personality, and your budget. 

When I pivoted from my first career as a marketing + advertising executive, the second career in information science/ libraries, and the time I spent in research and teaching, I bootstrapped and learned things the hard way like so many other solo or small business owners. More than a decade of pivoting and evolving brings me to you.

Yeah, I'm geeky and bit extra techie. Like many entrepreneurs I was eager to learn and got excited by the shiny cool technology. Also like a lot of budget-minded starting biz owners, I felt the siren call of 'free' and tried to make do with free versions of tools. I spun my wheels and stayed small.

I did all the things I've bet you've done:  tons of webinars, courses, self-teaching, and a lot of trial-and-error.

But I also learned when to change my tools and when to ask for help. When to ask for a review of my content or projects rather than staying alone, working in the dark.

Getting real support meant things clicked for me more often. Fewer headaches too! 

I worked with private clients to help them past the same hurdles I had faced - to be their tech shortcut. Maybe it's my background and training in education and learning design, but my clients say I'm very good at simplifying and explaining things. I love when their eyes light up when it clicks for them too. 

Many of the Mighty Pals in my workshops, challenges, and membership also say I'm relaxed, casual, and fun!

The more I leaned in to being my solo pals 'tech therapist,' the more I put my offers out, embraced imperfect action, the more confident I was. I have grown my community and biz in some mighty ways and I want the same for you!  

Imagine the relief if you knew you had a safe, friendly space
to go for ongoing support with
 all the marketing bits connected in your business.

  • A place to talk about working with email software, creating landing pages for exciting new offers, asking what plugins others are using, or any of the umpteen tech bits connecting pieces of your online business.
  • A place to ask questions - that will really, actually get answered.
  • A space where you're surrounded by other like-minded coaches, consultants, authors, creative folks, course creators, and professionals who want to go from frustrated to confidently selling courses, ebooks, subscriptions, memberships, coaching, and services online.
  • A group for those taking inspired, imperfect action. Because you'll have help with the how-to's.

And what if that ongoing support didn't cost you an arm and a leg?  😉

Moving to Online Business from Corporate - with Tech Therapy Help


Tech Therapy mastermind gives me a safe space where I can ask (sometimes stupid) questions. I am overwhelmed from all the new tech after moving from a corporate job with huge IT departments to handle all these things. I like having Tech Therapy to get help and insights, both from Jenn, but also from the other members who are at different places in the solopreneur journey.

When I look back on the past year and all the things I have accomplished, I am immensely proud of what I have accomplished and learned, a lot in part to Jenn and her Tech Therapy insights and coaching. I know I wouldn't be where I am without her.

Sarah Wills Carlsson - Coach, Consultant, Teacher

Tech Used to Be a Stumbling Block, Now I Have a Place for Help


Tech therapy has helped me get through the tech hurdles. Before, I would have to try and figure stuff out, and/or look for who could help me. So tech stuff was always a giant stumbling block. Now I have a place I can go and get help. I don't wonder where to turn or spend days trying to do something myself.

Whether it's help with my emails, figuring out an issue with a piece of software or totally out in left field like working on a video opener for YouTube . . . if it's tech related Jennifer is my go-to. In fact I often call her my Obi Wan Jenn!

The Advice and Support Have Made a Difference in My Business


Jennifer is the most generous person with her time and knowledge. She gives fully to her community and to this group. The advice I've received has made a difference in my business, in getting more traffic, in people finding me, and in staying up to date with technology.

When I hosted my summit, I asked for feedback from the group and it was very constructive.
When I needed to move how I view my emails, Jennifer was a great help in providing the step-by-step process for doing this.
When I wanted to test out new ideas for products and programs, Jennifer did a call of the pros and cons for what I wanted to use.
If there is a better, more efficient way of doing things, Jennifer and the Tech Therapy membership are there to help.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach, Author

Here's What's Inside Tech Therapy-
 Ongoing Group Membership

Hands-on, supportive, get-sh*t-done together time

Mighty Marketing Mojo Jennifer Burke and Tech Therapy Hangout mastermind members group video call

This doesn't have to be as hard as we make it. You know what you need to do, so let's go get it done! 

Here's what's in my mighty Tech Therapy Hangout - an ongoing, group membership and support space

  • Frequent support - Weekly calls with coaching, accountability and support
  • Get Stuff Done - a dedicated week each month with a mini content challenge and get-sh*t-done time, including co-working 
  • Group support - a private group space to ask all those questions, share, get feedback and answers  
  • Answers to frequently asked techie questions - TT Hangout calls the last few years have included email opt-in gifts,  how to create landing pages, what email software to use and how to set it up, writing emails - what to say and when, website themes, web maintenance checklists, home page audits, does my website need this plugin, video tools + tips for the camera-shy, Trello (and those other project tools!), do you need a shopping cart, which shopping cart, content planning tips and tools, social media updates, and more.
  • Resources you need  - my TT Hangout pals best, Mightiest Pals and often  get access to additional resources  to help them take inspired, imperfect action!

Because this is LIVE, hands-on, group time it's best when you show up and do the work. Yes, there are recordings of any tech tutorials that you can watch again and again. But you'll get more from your tech therapy time when you can bring your questions live.

Members love that they can personal attention on their most pressing problems right then. They also love when I do bonus trainings or demos based on their requests. 

Screen shots of past Tech Therapy Hangout mastermind group coaching calls

Just a small sample of the topics and questions covered across dozens of Tech Therapy Hangout calls the past few years! Sessions are very much member-driven, designed to meet you where you are right now. 

All-Access Annual Pass Option

Live, Group Calls

Get Stuff Done Weeks

Supportive Feedback

Savings of 2 months worth membership

PLUS Access to all additional trainings/challenges released during year

AND Quarterly 1:1 Content Coaching Calls



  • Weekly Calls - Wednesdays at 12pm ET  (additional day being added mid 2024)
  • Monthly Mighty Seat - member spotlights + focused support
  • Starting mid 2024 - Get Stuff Done Weeks with Mini Content Challenges 
  • Support + Accountability in Online Group
  • VIP All-Access to other resources, trainings, challenges created during the year
  • Quarterly 1:1 Content Coaching Calls

What Members Have Said About the Tech Therapy Mastermind

Karen Encourages Other Coaches to Join Tech Therapy to Better Understand Their Business


I would encourage coaches, authors, consultants or other solopreneurs to join the membership. The immediate feedback is priceless. There is so much to learn and they will understand the back-end of their business in a deeper level if they attend sessions or watch the replays.

Direct, Respectful and Caring Responses for Solopreneurs + Coaches


Jenn is very direct and to the point, while being respectful and caring. I love it because we don't waste anyone's time in fluff. My questions have always been met with good suggestions and answers from Jenn and the group, never scorn or criticism.

Sarah Wills Carlsson - Consultant, Coach, Teacher

Coaches Can Get Help That's Easy to Understand and Implement


Joining the Tech Therapy mastermind membership is some of the best money you'll spend on your business. That's especially true if you have budget constraints that require you to do some DIY when you're not a techie. You'll be in good hands with Jennifer. Her membership is a techno babble free zone. You get real help and information that actually easy to understand and implement and, someone who is always willing to help.

Tech Therapy Helped Get Over Hurdles


Being a member in Tech Therapy has helped me cross hurdles that were keeping me stuck - like creating a landing page! That was major. I still stumble a little, but Jennifer took me by the hand into the back office of my email provider and walked me through it!! I couldn't/wouldn't have done it without her.

I am more confident in trying new things, asking questions. Knowing that I can ask about products before I buy - what is good, what isn't, what would be best for me at my stage - is one of the best parts of the membership.

Fran Watson - Career Coach, Author

Get the Personalized Help Your Business Needs


If you are going to invest in your business and in yourself, this would be THE group to join.

Jennifer takes the time to ask you what you need help with. She doesn't just create content for the task of creating content. She makes sure that what she offers is relevant to your needs and wants. Jennifer is an amazing coach, group facilitator, and a wealth of knowledge. And when she doesn't know, she finds the answer for you.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach, Author

I know you have big ideas, are ready to make a big impact and you do not want to have big tech headaches anymore. 

It's really common that as we work on the stuff in our online businesses, we try so hard to figure things out, we get frustrated.

We have those "am I ever gonna  be able to do this?!" moments.

You're not alone.

Tech is complex and changing all the dang time. That's why this Tech Therapy space exists.

When we come together we figure things out.  Faster. Easier. 

Together we have less struggle, more confidence.  And we get back to doing what you love doing in your business and in your whole life.

You've got this 💙

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm Using X, Y, or Z Software - Do You Support That?

Maybe. 😉

My current (as of 2024) tech stack includes:
Convert Kit for email, WordPress with ThriveSuite of tools, StreamYard + Melon for live videos, ThriveCart (payments, courses, affiliate program). But I've used multiple other email, shopping cart, video tools I can discuss with members.
Plus tools like Canva, Trello, Zoom, Google and a half dozen social media and video creation tools. 

100% Truth Time -
If you are looking for a space with detailed, hands-on support for Beaver Builder, Elementor, or Divi as building blocks for your website - nope, not your gal.
If you need help with SamCart, WooCommerce, Shopify, Kajabi or Kartra ... I'm not your gal there either.

Those are all good tools - but not the ones I know or can best help you with. We can talk and I can point you to resources, but I'm not diving deep on any of those or any of the umpteen different course platforms either! 🤪

I prefer to share what I’ve had experience with so I can give you my best answers and help. And if or when I change tools - TT members know first! You get to go along with me inside of changes.

Also happy to share resources and even referrals to coaches and teachers I trust who know the tools you're using.

I'm boot-strapping - will you share affordable solutions?

Absolutely! I boot-strapped too and I'm still a pretty cheap person. 😄

Plenty of the tools I like or recommend are free; others are relatively low monthly costs. 

But I've come to know when - and what - it's worth spending for in business. We will chat about how to make GREAT tech choices for your business, how to evaluate the umpteen options that come up every day.  Talking through how to ask questions and evaluate tech ‘ deals’ is one of the core pieces of the Tech Therapy Hangout

When I recommend tech solutions I prefer to share what I’ve had experience with so I can give you my best answers and help.

I'm happy to make recommendations based on what I think you need, taking into account budgets and skills – never because I make a commission on something. Heck, plenty of the apps/tools I love and recommend don’t have referral programs – and I still love ‘em.  

Will this be good for non-techies? Or what I'm a bit more advanced? Is this a Good fit for Me?

Tech Therapy aims to meet you where you are - whether that's beginner, intermediate or even advanced techie ninja level.

My pals and clients say I'm really good at breaking things down and clarifying. I also don't stop until we have answers or resources to turn to - it's that advanced librarian degree, can't help it!

do i get private access to you?

Nope. This is group coaching, talking and support. I’m happy to answer your questions during calls or in our private group for all to see and benefit from.

If you need more personalized support – inquire about a discounted Borrow My Brain session.

I'm not sure I can make every call - are there recordings? 

You don't have to show up for any minimum of meetings - and of course we'd love to have you there every time but understand biz and life can get in the way of even Tech Therapy.

Yes, there will be recordings of all calls. You can check the meeting notes to see the topics covered.

You can send in your questions ahead of time to me for answers during calls. Or drop a question any time in the private group. 

I've already got a million courses - Will This Help me Implement Them?

I love action-takers. So, if you've already checked tutorials or done courses on how to create a course, you now have a place to help you with the how-to hurdles.

 Because now you’ve got me! 😀

I don’t want to see you flail if there are easy tech solutions at hand or I can help you get over a current hurdle and keep going.

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

It's easy to cancel. Try it out - if you don't feel supported or that Tech Therapy Hangout is the space for you in the first 30 days , I'll refund your money.  
