Yay! You've Got It! 

Thanks so much for signing up during Lynette's special event.
Look for your mighty workbook with training tips in your email inbox soon.
Be sure to check your promotions tab, spam folders or wherever else emails tend to hide. 

Don't go just yet! I have something special for you to check out for a limited time:

Once you have created your Mighty Easy Email Gift - You Need to Promote It

You want lots and lots of your ideal customer to see your new gift and want to join your email list. You'll share it EVERYWHERE! Your website, emails, guest spots, social media. And that means you need a dedicated URL - a landing page - just for that gift. And then you'll need a sales page for the cool thing that comes after your free gift. And maybe more landing pages for more great, mighty email opt-in gifts.

And then ... that's where lots of smart, busy, stressed solopreneurs get stuck. On creating those darn landing pages and getting all the pieces connected to email and more.

You Need a Mighty Easy Landing Page

Confused about landing pages? Worried you have to get fancy, expensive software to create such pages? Not sure how to lay them out or what goes on a landing page?

No more worries! Landing pages can be easy too! Lucky for you I have a workshop all about creating easy landing pages, the 6 critical elements every page needs, and how to do it without fancy-pants, expensive software.

Save $40 on the workshop  - attend the LIVE sessions Dec 14-15

Click and check out Mighty Easy Landing Pages - The New Online Biz Owner's Intro to Getting Them Done.

Normally $67, you can get your spot in the workshop for only $27! Use coupon


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