Overwhelmed by all the marketing tools + tech out there?
Stressed about what options your budding solo biz really needs?
I get it .. when you’re starting online as a solopreneur, or when you’re switching modes and trying to power up, there are so many options out there it’s overwhelming. There’s so much software, so many apps, so many different options and tips being thrown around or released every week. It can be hard to sort them or figure out what fits YOUR business and budget.
The answer ...
Start simple, start smart. Leave yourself room to grow.
Easier said than done, eh?
Let my Tame Your Tech workbook guide you through making decisions about what you need for creating an online business
This is my jam! My colleagues and community love that I do all the research on marketing and tech so they don’t have to. You can spend more time doing what you do best, serving your clients, making an impact, building your business’s bottom line. That sounds less stressful, right?!
I basically got a graduate degree in finding out info and sharing it. I I LOVE checking out tech and tools and sharing the wisdom so my fellow solos can make sense of it and get back to actually doing business!
Charlene Burke, Researcher, Writer, Facilitator at SearchByBurke.com

“Thanks for doing this marketing webinar. I didn’t know about any of these tools! Not sure which I’m trying first, but I’m saving all my notes!”
- Shelly -