Tech Therapy Hangout

I'm so excited to welcome you as a member of the Tech Therapy Hangout!

So many of my solopreneur pals get stressed and frustrated when connecting the pieces of tech they need to run their online business. The software should not stand in your way. Now you have a safe place to ask any questions and get support finding answers and getting stuff done.
 You asked for it - now we have the Tech Therapy Hangout. Let's figure it out together.

Your Monthly Membership Includes:

(2) Live Group Calls per Month - Calls are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 12pm ET

Calls will have some coaching components, going through monthly themes, and lots of time for open Q&A. You can always bring ANY question - if we don't get it solved on that call, we'll figure out a plan! There's no such thing as a 'silly question' - except the ones that go un-asked. 

This is the ongoing Zoom room link for Tech Therapy Thursdays

Each month in our calls we will go over some core topics, common questions, and have time for open Q&A.

Tech Therapy Hangout is not a course-centered membership, but we do want to cover some common tech trouble spots in addition to whatever has members stuck that week.

For example, we might work together on:

  • Creating email opt-in gifts
  •  landing pages
  •  email automations
  • email segments, tags, advanced tips
  • Setting up easy-yes or tripwire offers

  • Client-attracting web pages
  • Website audits (inc plugins)
  •  Basics of SEO
  • Shopping carts + payments
  • Thrive Architect, Thrive Leads, Thrive Apprentice, and the 'newer' Thrive Builder and new themes
  • Social friendly videos
  • Gear and gadgets
  • Course creation options
  • And always talking about making GREAT tech choices 

(1) CoWorking Wednesday per month - 3rd Wednesdays from 10am - 1pm ET -

Bring your current projects, ask questions, get group support, and have dedicated 'get sh*t done' time. Write emails, work on a sales page, craft your email gift (create a new one), work on a course, write blog posts, do backend website work - anything you need dedicated time and some accountability for.

Zoom is a little persnickety - here's a separate link for CoWork Wednesdays.

Join the Tech Therapy Hangout online group For now, for ease, we have a private members-only group on Facebook.  This is the spot for daily community sharing, asking-questions, chatting, getting to know each other just for TT members. 

šŸŒŸ NEW FOR 2023 - We are experimenting with community space in the Heartbeat App - click here to add your intro (and go through the easy, free on-boarding). Also try this INVITE link.  Also download the HB app for Apple or Google - you can bounce between different communities using HB from the app.

Heartbeat iOS App

Google Playstore App

One of the things we may explore together in tech learning during the TT Hangout membership and calls is creating a different online space for the members area - what online community and chatting space we all want and how we want the space for recordings and resources to operate. Time to play in the tech sandbox!

Handouts + Resources - there will be monthly checklists, planers, or worksheets to help work through the common tech topics we discuss. They will be added here.

Bookmark this page! Check back here for resources and call replays - scroll down for each month's member calls. 

NOTE: click the 3 dots  [...] at the far right of each month to toggle open and see notes for each call and the video replays

TT Hangout Call Recordings 

February 2022 

First call - 2/24/22 - we looked at fixing a blog post problem for Fran (turns out the image was 'bad' - and we discovered it by looking at the Text editor window and the 'raw' HTML). Led to discussion on image files and naming - also how to add details, comments in the image properties to make it easier to find an image, or know more of context of the image. Metadata!  Looked at Thrive Leads and the the Thrive Leads Lightbox - we need to connect one to Pam's AWeber account and have tags trigger an automated sequence (that's coming up in another session). And we talked some basics of SEO - we will spend more time on SEO in coming calls.  


March 2022

Session 2 - 3/10/22 -  We worked on some questions sent in ahead of the call on finding links for PayPal buttons to add to landing pages, sales pages, or emails - PayPal hides the URL in the email tab for completed buttons. We added a button in a GetResponse landing page and talked about when it might be necessary to use Zapier to connect email and PayPal. We looked at fixing some wonky formatting in a Word Doc and using options like Google Docs. Together we also went over some ongoing projects - including exploring color palette tools for revised branding (e.g. the graphics for a summit, live event to be related to main brain but unique elements), and checking out a revised sales page. 


Session 3 - 3/24/22 - We continued work on connecting PayPal Buttons and links with landing pages, in GetResponse through direct integrations. We brainstormed some flash sale ideas, including the item on the page we just connected. A short review of most necessary WP plugins - security, backup and storing your site backups offsite. 

April 2022

Session 4 - April 14 - A review of two essential types of WordPress plugins (Backups + Security) with my recommendations, plus other helpful WP plugins; review of SEO 101 Tips, emphasis on content and on-page factors we can work on. We will each take on an SEO task or two this month to work on improving. 


Session 5- April 28 - We talked more on plugins, using Pretty Links, options for creating Forms on your site, Security and more. 


May 2022

Session 6- May 12 - I showed an email deliverability and health check testing tool from Email Smart - start of Jennifer's work on improving emails getting to inboxes. We talked more using Pretty Links vs Bitly and did a review of lead magnets for the specialized audience of young, early career female engineers. We discussed creating audio options to go with text, especially for those not wanting to create more videos. 


Session 7 - May 26 -  We discussed using videos on LinkedIn and time limits for videos then demonstrated how to customize branding options in for templates in Office. Changing colors and fonts to easily brand slides in PPT and create reports or re-style PLR documents in Word.

June 2022

Session 8 - June 9 - We checked in on current projects and brainstormed a virtual book launch party for Pam, encouraged Fran to do one as well possibly in the fall. Helped Barbara with simpler video editing, using the built-in Windows Video Editor (instead of using YouTube's editor), talked about custom 404 error pages with new templates in Thrive Theme Builder, and took a quick peek at the free version of SEO and AI writing from UberSuggest.

I referenced an article on designing better-looking and functional 404 pages - it's from OptIn Monster.

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July 2022

Session 9 - July 14 -  Take a look behind the scenes as I set up to participate in a bundle sale; showing a screen mirroring app (so can show my iPhone screen on Zoom calls on my Windows PC); brainstorming around recent content purchases


Session 10 - July 28 -  A review of the summer tech/app purchases made, including 2 discussed on the earlier July call - WordHero AI content writing/SEO software and Melon - a live-streaming alternative to BeLive, Streamyard. Purchased Melon because it was a one-time payment with all same features as Streamyard, may let Streamyard membership go. Also a quick look at my demo site with Thrive ThemeBuilder enabled and how to run the wizard to start a TTB set up.


August 2022

Session 11- August 11-  A quick demo and exploration of Thrive Leads, the Thrive tool for email opt-in forms. Including a brief demo of Lead Groups - the option for creating an opt-in form (ribbons, pop-ups, lightboxes, in-content) that show up ALL across your site  vs. forms for specific landing pages. We'll explore this more in another call!

Review of a landing page with Karen R - including copy and adding elements via Thrive Architect.


Session 12- August 25 -  While I planned to revisit our chats on email opt-ins and tech connections, instead we had a mighty great chat about books! Creating mini books to act as business cards, ebooks, print-on-demand books - and many of the members attending HAD created books and others wanted to. Discussed how books could/ should fit in your business and marketing strategies. 

Brief updates on the newest Google algorithm changes - the Helpful Content Updates and what that may mean for us as content creators, bloggers. Add value, your perspective, your opinions - NOT just curate, list, use PLR or AI-generated content as-is. Always smart tips, but more important now.


September 2022

Session 13 - September 8-  PrettyLinks WordPress plugin for redirects, affiliate links - comparing the fantastic free version and the extra features of PrettyLinks Pro. Demo of setting up links in categories, and the 'universal' link with Pro feature. Means PL will replace up to X instances of a keyword on any page or post with a given link, automatically.


Session 14 - September 22-  
Autosaving in WordPress. Setting up preferences update forms in ActiveCampaign (e.g. letting people choose to receive only monthly emails, emails on X or Y topics). Discussion of copyright concerns after blog posts were copied, including how to search out who is behind a website so as to serve takedown notices. Good thing we have a copyright expert in the TT Hangout, right Barbara?!

**WOW! As of Nov 10, 2022 YouTube took original copy of video down (it was unlisted, not public) for 'violating community guidelines around bullying or harassment', despite my appeal of the decision. Irony as we discussed a member whose content had been stolen and was perhaps themselves subject to harassment!  I put the video in AMZ S3 so you can still access it.**


Click to play

October 2022

Session 15 - October 13-  Ensuring you have website backups and send them offsite (not on your server). Talking types of physical back-up drives. Repurposing content and our continued efforts to avoid bright, shiny new tech (e.g. is a deal on JVZoo, Warrior, or AppSumo worth it - using my GREAT system to evaluate).


Session 16 - October 27-  Inadvertent lesson on website security as one of Jennifer's extra sites was discovered to be hacked and full of malicious files during a (oops belated) maintenance check. Great example of valuable help with easy-yes offer from my web host. Personalized YouTube handles are coming. Comparing SEO plugins and if it makes sense to pay for premium features of Yoast, All in One SEO, or Rank Math - or when free is likely fine. Chat on content consistency - emphasis on emails. What do you want 'consistent' to mean for YOU? What's a reasonable path to get there?


November 2022

Session 17 - Nov 10-  Alternative video hosting options - I told members about YT taking one of our call videos down - and moving some videos to AMZ S3 plus exploring other video hosting options for courses and TT Hangout going forward. Talked about topics we will likely cover during next months of TT Hangout - plus add yours! Discussion of making GREAT choices during deal season.


December 2022

Session 18- Dec 8-  What tech did we buy during deal season?  Jennifer shared a new analytics tool - UserMaven - to install in 2023 and replace Google Analytics. Purchased Tailwind for social media - specifically for Instagram (new channel). Discussed SM tool options vs platforms members use.

FB glitches on Likes/Followers not shown for a Page.
Book marketing for new book series project - including physical 'swag' items as incentives for newsletter sign-ups.

Video process workflow request - talked through steps and how some tools have changed Jennifer's workflow. May depend on where you intend video to go plus live or pre-recorded.

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January 2023

Session 19 - Jan 12  - Time to work on creating mighty, sexy back-ends - no gym time required!
We went over sample back-end projects and my (Jennifer's) list - like new MMM web theme in Thrive Theme Builder with new home page, updating About page and services/offers pages, starting Heartbeat app community for MMM with Tech Therapy space and members as the testers, and eventually moving over to ThriveCart.  Several TT members have purchased same/similar tech lately and we will go through together. 

Also here to support other behind the scenes, infrastructure, back-end tasks that get stuff set-up, fixed, refreshed so you can go promote, speak, and sell!


Session 20- Jan 26. '23  - Continuing the conversation of refreshing our biz back-ends! This time, focusing on elements of a client-attracting website. What is your site's #1 goal and how do pages, buttons, content lead visitors to that goal, elements for a Home page, working on improved About pages
We took a quick peek inside the work-in-progress of the MMM Heartbeat-based community. 

Then we did some impromptu Home page reviews of TT members! And a few other online biz owner's sites. And how Jennifer's Mighty Marketing Mojo site admittedly needs the most work! šŸ˜„

More home page reviews coming if members request - plus checking in as you share the changes you're making.


February 2023

Session 21 - Feb 9  - Tough love talk time on creating websites, picking themes, and continue review of home pages.

When maybe a premium theme doesn't make sense; looking at the free WP themes so you can just get done and out; why to not have multiple sites, especially not until you get one nailed down You can only plan so far in the future, especially with websites and themes - things WILL change!

Remember not to procrasti-learn, procrasti-plan, and take simple, imperfect action!


Session 22- Feb 23. 2023  - 

we talked about the backend tasks weā€™ve worked on this winter (About pages, Home pages, setting up Heartbeat, etc) and what Iā€™d like us look at next in March - email clean-up.  We all have some kind of email community - and it needs love, nurturing and a clean-up. So that we are talking to the people who want to hear from us, and who hear what they need from us. 

Talked tagging for segments as part of prep to clean-up email lists. Homework/Prep for March - know how your email software handles tags and/or segments or groups. Does your email software do any kind of ongoing engagement tracking or do you need to set it up? 

Reviewed the edits Barbara had made for Home page, suggested more and discussed lead magnets around copyright. Discussed copyright issues, Helenā€™s negative experiences.

Also included brief Q&A around Google Analytics changes coming summer 2023. Jennifer needs to dive in more and advise!


March 2023

Session 23 - March 9 2023 -

We talked Franā€™s frustrations with GetResponse and problem with a ā€œheaderā€ code which GR wasnā€™t clear in saying that meant it goes in the site-wide header code. And does Fran even need that? Meanwhile sheā€™s testing a new account at AWeber.

Talked getting back into things slowly after taking much needed time off and how it relates to getting back in (or starting) an email habit. Suggestion: pick a day of the week to commit to sending an email, share it here, share with others.

Walked through steps Jennifer is taking on email cleanup and towards re-engagement. Cleaning your list really IS a money-making task - because we could be spending too much for contacts that arenā€™t engaging or reading! And our people who DO want to buy arenā€™t seeing our emails! AND that with engagement tracking turned on, the act of sending good emails becomes part of the clean-up as well as money-making. ;-)

Session 24- March 23 2023  -

Email Promotional Campaigns - Examples - per request from some members working on new courses, programs, we talked pre-launch and launch email campaign examples.

Pre-launch = engage, gauge and drive interest, educate, tease upcoming sale

Launch = Reveal, Benefits, Objections +/or Social Proof, Remind of benefits, Cart closing reminders if time-sensitive sale

Slides with examples -click here.

Delivering a digital download via your WordPress site - upload PDF to the media gallery and copy URL to insert in emails.

Plus mentions of book projects in the works and getting best-seller recognition on Amazon!


April 2023

Session 25- April 13, 2023-  Mutual Tech Venting and Therapy!

Including Jenniferā€™s own frustrations with setting up ThriveCart (PayPal workarounds) and Zapier. Members discussing new website projects, moving email - ActiveCampaign issues, exploration of BirdSend


Session 26- April 26, 2023  - Email Verification DKIM + CNAME Plus Sarahā€™s Kickstarter campaign

to help our email marketing services with deliverability, we have to make sure to verify email and domains. One key way to do this is through the DKIM process - which includes adding CNAME records at your host, in your CPanel. You can do it yourself (I have a video showing this- adding to Docs > Tech Tips) or possibly ask your host to do so.

We also shared Sarahā€™s new childrenā€™s book project and the Kickstarter campaign. She asked for help connecting to educators (to get free books and resources), parenting coaches, and others willing to help the project for more compassion, courage, curiosity in the world.

You can view and support the Kickstarter for ā€œIttle Bear An Adventure in Franceā€ and get the first book ā€œittle Bearā€™s Adventuresā€ - the KS campaign run to TUES MAY 23, 2023 - so letā€™s get that support going ASAP!

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May 2023

Session 27 - May 11, 2023 - Making Sense of AppSumo Deals, AI, Peek into Notion for Content Planning

We talked about projects we are working on and led to talk about deals in AppSumo. Chatted on what types of things show up in AppSumo (new software looking for users and funding - some lasts and is worth the deal, others not so much), AI and Intellectual Property (courtesy of our resident info pro with IP special expertise), Sarahā€™s book and a peek inside Jenniferā€™s setup and use of Notion primarily for content strategy and planning.

Also confirmed that since late ā€˜22, you canā€™t schedule a post to your personal FB profile - none of the 3rd party tools can do so as FB took option away. <try> with Zapier maybe? But unlikely to work - can schedule to Pages and Groups.

Discussed upcoming additional co-working or watch-with-me for ThriveCart setup, especially for affiliate setup.


Session 28- May 25, 2023  -

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