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In 3 steps, learn how to create an email gift that is targeted, valuable, simple to create, and easy to money-up so it can a business-builder as well as a list-builder.

Download your workbook below 

Bookmark this page for bonus resources and training tips so you can create your good-enough goodie in a weekend and get it out there to your audience.

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Want more Mighty Marketing tips ...

Here's a few posts from our blog that will help you "warm up" for the training topic:

Email Deliverability Rules in 2024: Explanation + Tips for Non-Techie Business Owners

Email marketing still returns a high ROI for your business – IF you get your emails into the right inboxes and they get opened. Getting to the inbox may be a little different in 2024 as you need to be aware of major changes and requirements from two of the largest inbox/email recipients – Google and Yahoo. The major inbox sources set a start time for these changes as of February 1, 2024. These services

Simple Reasons Your Email Opt-in Gift Isn’t Converting to Customers – and How To Fix Your Freebie

It's Time to Fix Your Freebie and Make it Focused, Not a Fire Hose of Information! Online business owners, I bet your freebie (aka lead magnet or email opt-in gift) is not bringing you enough right-for you customers.  To attract loyal subscribers who turn into buyers, we want them to see results quickly, so they trust us and want our other offers. But if your email opt-in gift isn’t focused, it’s not doing the job.

8 Solopreneurs Tell Why Email is Mighty Marketing for Them

8 Smart Solopreneurs – Coaches, Community Builders, Creators – Tell Why Email Is Mighty Marketing for Them If you’ve been online for business for even a hot minute you’ve heard lots of folks talk about the power of email marketing, that email is NOT dead, it has a great return on investment, its an asset that YOU own (unlike social media), and so much more. And it’s all true! Email is very mighty marketing for

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