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Your Free Video Training and Email Setup Tips Are On the Way!
To make sure you get what you requested and all the great info I send, check your email inbox, open the one from me (Jennifer) and add my email to your contact list so receive your future emails. Thanks!
Step 1
Check the email inbox of the email address that you used to sign up on the previous page.
Step 2
Find the email sent by Jennifer, and please add my address to your contact list (that's known as 'whitelisting'). Yay! Now your email won't treat our conversations as spam.
Step 3
Click the link in your email that takes you to the goodies page and you're on your way to Mighty Marketing Mojo!
Wait don't go yet, I've got a special deal for you ...
I KNOW email marketing is a game-changer and business-builder. It's what nurtures a community of people who value what I share and teach, and who are eager for the offers I send.
I want you to have email marketing success as well - and to take some of the headaches away from getting setup and started with email marketing.
To get you started fast, I created a course- HellYeah You CAN Start Your Email List- that takes even non-techie folks through the ins, outs, and setup steps of getting going with email marketing software. I even give you all the inside tips and tricks of my favorite email software, ActiveCampaign, and how I'm set up.
***Get my HellYeah You CAN Start Your Email List course - for 50% off! Instead of regular price of $125, you get all 4 modules, the Q&A sessions from the live course, extra tutorial videos, plus any updates for just $62.50! Deal only available from this offer. ***
Use Coupon Code: EMAIL50